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SAP Cookbook For IBM Cognos 8 BI

IBM Cognos 8 leverages the SAP NetWeaver Business Warehouse investment withinyour organization by providing access to the Business Warehouse metadata andbusiness content. The integration with SAP NetWeaver Business Warehouseprovides access to existing SAP NetWeaver Business Warehouse structures withinthe SAP BW environment:
  • InfoQueries
  • InfoCubes
  • MultiProviders
  • Virtual Cubes
  • Remote Cubes
  • DSO or ODS
  • InfoSets
  • InfoObjects
  • Master data and attributes
 Business Analytics

When modelling against SAP NetWeaver Business Warehouse, there are somegeneral guidelines that you should follow to ensure optimal performance withinyour IBM Cognos 8 environment with SAP NetWeaver Business Warehouse.

1.It is strongly recommended to use an InfoQuery as the source forthe IBM Cognos Framework Manager metadata model. TheInfoQuery acts as a database view which can help reduce thevolume of data for better performance. The use of the InfoQuerywill provide additional access to query objects such as:
  • SAP NetWeaver Business Warehouse Variables
  • Filters, Restrictions
  • Calculated Key Figures
  • Restricted Key Figures
  • Characteristic and Key Figure Structures
  • Currency Conversions
  • Global Filters
  • Navigational Attributes

    2.When using a SAP NetWeaver Business Warehouse InfoQuery,utilize SAP NetWeaver Business Warehouse variables, filters, andrestrictions where appropriate. This will force data processing to beperformed by the SAP NetWeaver Business Warehouse serverdatabase and will often provide better performance. It will also bebeneficial to use Calculated Key Figures and Restricted Key Figureswhere possible to leverage the processing power of the SAPNetWeaver Business Warehouse server.

    3.Carefully consider how many IBM Cognos 8 reports you decide tobuild from a SAP NetWeaver Business Warehouse InfoQuery. Thereshould not be a 1-to-1, IBM Cognos 8 report-to-SAP NetWeaverBusiness Warehouse query ratio.

    • Consider having a SAP NetWeaver Business Warehouse querythat sources several IBM Cognos 8 reports.
    • But do not create one master SAP NetWeaver BusinessWarehouse query that sources all of your IBM Cognos 8 reports.
      Start by addressing a particular subject area, and then extendwhat you have learned in your environment to other subjectareas. Apply this approach rather than starting big byimplementing several SAP NetWeaver Business Warehousequeries (or one master SAP NetWeaver Business Warehouse query) for all subject areas, and potentially having to pull backdue to poor performance.
    • 4.Review the overall design of SAP NetWeaver Business Warehousestructures and data volumes to identify potential bottlenecks. A SAPNetWeaver Business Warehouse design that is inefficient in SAPNetWeaver Business Warehouse will filter up and deliver unsatisfactoryperformance to IBM Cognos 8 users. For example, it is commonlyknown that an InfoCube typically performs faster than a Data StoreObject (DSO). In that case, it is suggested to use a SAP NetWeaverBusiness Warehouse query against a cube rather than against objectssuch as DSO’s or InfoSets.
    • 5.Use of a BEx InfoQuery is required to gain access to Data Store Objects(DSO), InfoSets, and Master Data as an InfoProvider within SAPNetWeaver Business Warehouse. Use this method sparingly if you aredealing with large data sets as you are likely to experience data latencyfrom SAP NetWeaver Business Warehouse. Reading data from theseproviders is typically slower than reading data from an InfoCube, and isconsidered normal SAP NetWeaver Business Warehouse performanceamongst SAP NetWeaver Business Warehouse administrators. Thesame rule holds true when referencing these providers indirectly via aMultiProvider.
    • 6.Furthermore, when utilizing a SAP NetWeaver Business Warehousequery against a MultiProvider, consider carefully the underlyingInfoProviders in which data is read. Data that is read from a DSO,InfoSet, or InfoCube via a MultiProvider, with high volumes of data mayinhibit SAP NetWeaver Business Warehouse performance, therebypassing this slow performance to IBM Cognos 8. Ensure that properfilters, variables, restrictions, and calculations are used within the SAPNetWeaver Business Warehouse query to force SAP NetWeaverBusiness Warehouse to pass only a subset of the data, instead ofpassing much more data with no filters and restrictions.
    • 7.The use of the SAP NetWeaver Business Warehouse Accelerator®appliance, BWA (formerly BIA), may be used in conjunction with IBMCognos 8 for improved SAP NetWeaver Business Warehouseperformance. These performance benefits can be realized from withinthe IBM Cognos 8 environment as the hardware appliance is completelytransparent to IBM Cognos 8 and the user. However it is stronglyadvised to follow all the proven practices as noted within this documentto ensure optimal performance for the overall IBM Cognos 8 and SAPNetWeaver Business Warehouse solution.
    • In some instances, you may find that you are creating an IBM Cognos 8report that is reading high volumes of data from SAP NetWeaverBusiness Warehouse, which may overstep the limitations of the SAPNetWeaver Business Warehouse temp space. In the event SAPNetWeaver Business Warehouse cannot handle a data request fromIBM Cognos 8, and all of these SAP NetWeaver Business Warehouse guidelines have already been applied, then consider adding more tempspace to the SAP NetWeaver Business Warehouse server.

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    IBM Cognos BI 10.1 – Consumer Role

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