In this article
This article presents a set of definitions representing the different stages of maturity for a workload management configuration in a DB2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows database. These stages range from stage 0 through to the advanced stage 3 configuration. A specific configuration template and process is provided as part of these best practices to enable customers to progress from a stage 0 configuration to a stage 2 configuration. General descriptions and advice are also given about common stage 3 scenarios.
The article assumes a novice beginner and describes the individual steps and mechanisms at each point. A more experienced user can condense many of the listed steps to move from stage 1 to stage 2, making the transition in days of elapsed time rather than weeks as the suggested timeline indicates in a later section.
The steps outlined in this document are focused on the efficiency of the system as a whole, regardless of where the work itself comes from. It is important to note that achieving the goal of a stable system might not necessarily also result in the achievement of any individual application service-level agreement (SLA) or specific performance objectives for queries. These more granular objectives might require subsequent changes to the workload management configuration, such as outlined in the section on stage 3 scenarios, which is outside the main scope of this document.
This article is not a tutorial on DB2 workload management capabilities and does not attempt to provide comprehensive guidance in addressing all possible scenarios where DB2 workload management might be employed. It also does not cover all features within the DB2 product that might be of use in controlling resource consumption. The scope of this article is focused on describing the system stabilization approach in some detail and provides some general guidance for common advanced scenarios.
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- Learn more about DB2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows in the DB2 Information Center.
- Learn more about IBM Smart Analytics System.
- "DB2 Workload Management using Performance Optimization Feature" (developerWorks, Jun 2010): In this demo, see how a fictional company uses DB2 Workload Management and Optim Performance Manager Extended Edition to allocate database system resources to help a high priority application achieve its objectives in a data warehousing environment.
- "DB2 9.7: Using new Workload Manager features" (developerWorks, Aug 2010): This tutorial provides a series of exercises to help the new user become familiar with Workload Manager.
- " DB2 workload management histograms" (developerWorks, Oct 2008): This 3-part article series introduces the concept of histograms and explains how to use them with with DB2 workload management.
- "An inside look at DB2 Advanced Enterprise Server Edition, Part 3: Workload management" (developerWorks, Sep 2011): This article spotlights the capabilities and benefits offered by DB2 Workload Manager, included in IBM DB2 AESE.
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