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Cognos SDK Guide by BI Centre -- update for Cognos SDK.cs Authentication

If you are following the posts for the sample Cognos SDK solution then you won’t want to miss the last few posts that talk about the CognosSDK.cs class file.  Follow the link below to take you to the Cognos SDK discussion about authenticating a user session.






Cognos SDK Guide by BI Centre -- update for Cognos SDK.cs Authentication

If you are following the posts for the sample Cognos SDK solution then you won’t want to miss the last few posts that talk about the CognosSDK.cs class file.  Follow the link below to take you to the Cognos SDK discussion about authenticating a user session.






Cognos SDK Developer Guide -- Getting started with your ASP.NET C# solution

In this blog entry you will walk through the steps of creating the file structure for your Cognos 8 SDK web solution.


Cognos SDK Developer Guide -- Getting started with your ASP.NET C# solution

In this blog entry you will walk through the steps of creating the file structure for your Cognos 8 SDK web solution.


Cognos 8 Security Architecture


The Cognos 8 security model allows you to integrate directly into your existing user repositories, such as Active Directory, in order to handle authentication.  It also maintains a granular authorization model that can be used directly for your BI solution.





Content Manager

Cognos Namespace





  • Authentication





  • Authorization



Interface to Providers




  • Encryption





  • Certificates





  • Administration










Authentication Providers


Encryption Providers


Certificate Authority







Cognos 8 Security Architecture


The Cognos 8 security model allows you to integrate directly into your existing user repositories, such as Active Directory, in order to handle authentication.  It also maintains a granular authorization model that can be used directly for your BI solution.





Content Manager

Cognos Namespace





  • Authentication





  • Authorization



Interface to Providers




  • Encryption





  • Certificates





  • Administration










Authentication Providers


Encryption Providers


Certificate Authority







BI Centre December 2007 Newsletter

The BI Centre December 2007 Newsletter is now available.

BI Centre December 2007 Newsletter

BI Centre December 2007 Newsletter

The BI Centre December 2007 Newsletter is now available.

BI Centre December 2007 Newsletter

Cognos SDK Developer Guide -- Getting started with your ASP.NET C# solution

Stay tuned for the next blog entry to the "Cognos SDK Developer Guide" -- Getting started with your ASP.NET C# solution. This next entry will walk you through the steps of getting your sample ASP.NET C# web solution created. This web solution will be your workable project in implementing your Cognos SDK functionality.

Cognos SDK Developer Guide -- Getting started with your ASP.NET C# solution

Stay tuned for the next blog entry to the "Cognos SDK Developer Guide" -- Getting started with your ASP.NET C# solution. This next entry will walk you through the steps of getting your sample ASP.NET C# web solution created. This web solution will be your workable project in implementing your Cognos SDK functionality.

Cognos SDK Developer Guide Overview

Hello, here is an updated link for the first entry to the "Cognos SDK Developer Guide". Be sure to check the BI Centre blog in the next few days for more contents of the "Cognos SDK Developer Guide".

Cognos SDK Developer Guide Overview

Cognos SDK Developer Guide Overview

Hello, here is an updated link for the first entry to the "Cognos SDK Developer Guide". Be sure to check the BI Centre blog in the next few days for more contents of the "Cognos SDK Developer Guide".

Cognos SDK Developer Guide Overview

Data Warehouse vs Data Mart

"In terms of design data warehouse and data mart are almost the same.

In general a Data Warehouse is used on an enterprise level and a Data Marts is used on a business division/department level.

A data mart only contains data specific to a perticular subject areas. "


Data Warehouse vs Data Mart

"In terms of design data warehouse and data mart are almost the same.

In general a Data Warehouse is used on an enterprise level and a Data Marts is used on a business division/department level.

A data mart only contains data specific to a perticular subject areas. "


Cognos 8 SDK Developer Guide -- development tools

Hello, before we start to get busy with some of the code we should make sure that everyone has access to some type of development tool.

You can take a look at this page if you don't have Visual Studio .NET 2003.


Cognos 8 SDK Developer Guide -- development tools

Hello, before we start to get busy with some of the code we should make sure that everyone has access to some type of development tool.

You can take a look at this page if you don't have Visual Studio .NET 2003.


Cognos 8 SDK -- get report attributes

Have you ever wanted to query the Cognos 8 Content Store to retrieve a report’s attributes by using the Cognos 8 SDK? 


Unfortunately, I have not been able to find a specific Cognos 8 SDK method that will handle this.  However, there is a work around that you can use with the Cognos 8 SDK.  You would retrieve the Cognos 8 Report Studio report xml schema by using the SDK and then in your SDK project you would parse the xml nodes for a series of specified report nodes.  You would have to become familiar with the expected Cognos 8 report schema elements.


Cognos 8 SDK -- get report attributes

Have you ever wanted to query the Cognos 8 Content Store to retrieve a report’s attributes by using the Cognos 8 SDK? 


Unfortunately, I have not been able to find a specific Cognos 8 SDK method that will handle this.  However, there is a work around that you can use with the Cognos 8 SDK.  You would retrieve the Cognos 8 Report Studio report xml schema by using the SDK and then in your SDK project you would parse the xml nodes for a series of specified report nodes.  You would have to become familiar with the expected Cognos 8 report schema elements.


Cognos 8 -- RSV-SRV-0001 The request is missing the request_id element

If you are having an issue being able to use View your Cognos Report Studio report in PDF or Excel, then you should check to see if your proxy server is blocking the required HTTP parameters.  If HTTP_COOKIE, CRN_SESSION and HTTP_ACCEPT are missing, the request is blocked by the proxy server. 


You could try to disable the Proxy Server in your browser settings, or modify the security policy to allow the HTTP_COOKIE, CRN_SESSION and HTTP_ACCEPT parameters to pass.  Another option is to upgrade to the latest patch of Internet Explorer.


Cognos 8 -- RSV-SRV-0001 The request is missing the request_id element

If you are having an issue being able to use View your Cognos Report Studio report in PDF or Excel, then you should check to see if your proxy server is blocking the required HTTP parameters.  If HTTP_COOKIE, CRN_SESSION and HTTP_ACCEPT are missing, the request is blocked by the proxy server. 


You could try to disable the Proxy Server in your browser settings, or modify the security policy to allow the HTTP_COOKIE, CRN_SESSION and HTTP_ACCEPT parameters to pass.  Another option is to upgrade to the latest patch of Internet Explorer.


Cognos 8 SDK -- BI Centre SDK Guide Update

Hello, here is the initial Table of Contents for the upcoming BI Centre SDK Guide which will be available on http://bicentresdkguide.blogspot.com.  If you have any questions or items that you would like to have covered in the Cognos SDK guide then feel free to email me at: BI Centre SDK Guide.





Table of Contents


  1. Overview
  2. Getting started with your ASP.NET C# web solution
    1. VS.NET Version
    2. Cognos SDK DLL references
    3. Project Structure
  3. Creating your SDK object
    1. Authentication
    2. Get Content Store Objects
    3. Get Params
    4. Helper Functions
  4. Exception Handler Class
  5. Web.config
    1. Storing credential values
  6. Searching for Content Store Items
    1. Show all packages
    2. Show reports for a package
    3. Run a report with prompts
    4. Displaying the report results
  7. Contact for more information


Cognos 8 SDK -- BI Centre SDK Guide Update

Hello, here is the initial Table of Contents for the upcoming BI Centre SDK Guide which will be available on http://cognos8helpsdkguide.blogspot.com.  If you have any questions or items that you would like to have covered in the Cognos SDK guide then feel free to email me at: BI Centre SDK Guide.





Table of Contents


  1. Overview
  2. Getting started with your ASP.NET C# web solution
    1. VS.NET Version
    2. Cognos SDK DLL references
    3. Project Structure
  3. Creating your SDK object
    1. Authentication
    2. Get Content Store Objects
    3. Get Params
    4. Helper Functions
  4. Exception Handler Class
  5. Web.config
    1. Storing credential values
  6. Searching for Content Store Items
    1. Show all packages
    2. Show reports for a package
    3. Run a report with prompts
    4. Displaying the report results
  7. Contact for more information


Cognos 8 Report Studio -- Report Planning Part B

When you are planning your BI reporting environment and are ready to start designing your reports you must ensure that you Identify security or user specific content that needs to be built into a report.


Often a single report is requested that will display different data or different layouts to different users or groups. This type of report should really be considered as two or more different reports layouts as requirements will need to be gathered for each layout and set of security requirements.


You will also need to identify the source of the security information that will be leveraged to satisfy these different layout rules. The layouts may be triggered by the user id session parameter although additional data and security restrictions may be contained within a database table that is keyed by the individual user ID. Also, depending on how the report is to be consumed you may be working with only the data from a security table such as with burst output as there are no session parameters available at the time that the burst report is executed.



Cognos 8 Report Studio -- Report Planning Part B

When you are planning your BI reporting environment and are ready to start designing your reports you must ensure that you Identify security or user specific content that needs to be built into a report.


Often a single report is requested that will display different data or different layouts to different users or groups. This type of report should really be considered as two or more different reports layouts as requirements will need to be gathered for each layout and set of security requirements.


You will also need to identify the source of the security information that will be leveraged to satisfy these different layout rules. The layouts may be triggered by the user id session parameter although additional data and security restrictions may be contained within a database table that is keyed by the individual user ID. Also, depending on how the report is to be consumed you may be working with only the data from a security table such as with burst output as there are no session parameters available at the time that the burst report is executed.



Cognos 8 Report Studio -- report planning Part A

When you are planning your BI reporting environment and are ready to start designing your reports you must ensure that you identify the required user interaction.


  1. Will the users execute the report interactively?
  2. Will there be drill through requests from one report to another?
  3. Will the report be burst to multiple users and how will the output be delivered
    • (Cognos connection, email, etc.)?
  4. Prompt information:
    • What prompts are to be presented to the user?
    • What format will the prompts take and which values will be valid user selections?
    • Will there be cascades between prompts?
    • Which prompts are required and which are optional?
    • Which prompts will allow multiple values to be selected? Have you identified the appropriate filter expressions which will allow for multiple values to be selected?
    • An expression such as [Data Item] = ?Prompt? will only allow for a single value to be selected.
    • Are there requirements for more complicated prompting expressions that will require prompt macros?


Cognos 8 Report Studio -- report planning Part A

When you are planning your BI reporting environment and are ready to start designing your reports you must ensure that you identify the required user interaction.


  1. Will the users execute the report interactively?
  2. Will there be drill through requests from one report to another?
  3. Will the report be burst to multiple users and how will the output be delivered
    • (Cognos connection, email, etc.)?
  4. Prompt information:
    • What prompts are to be presented to the user?
    • What format will the prompts take and which values will be valid user selections?
    • Will there be cascades between prompts?
    • Which prompts are required and which are optional?
    • Which prompts will allow multiple values to be selected? Have you identified the appropriate filter expressions which will allow for multiple values to be selected?
    • An expression such as [Data Item] = ?Prompt? will only allow for a single value to be selected.
    • Are there requirements for more complicated prompting expressions that will require prompt macros?


Cognos 8 SDK -- get parameter type

 Here is a Cognos SDK example of getting a report parameter’s type.


You would have to generate a C# class object that makes your Cognos SDK method calls.  From your entry method you will reference the getReportParameters() method.



baseParameter[] param = CogSDK.getReportParameters( "/content/package[@name='GO Sales and Retailers']/folder[@name='Documentation Report Samples']/report[@name='Order Method Between List']", reportService );



            foreach( parameter p in param )


                        Console.WriteLine( "Name: {0}, Type: {1}", p.name, p.type );





public baseParameter[] getReportParameters( string reportPath, reportService1 c8RS )


                                    searchPathSingleObject cmReportPath = new searchPathSingleObject();

                                    cmReportPath.Value = reportPath;


                                    asynchReply gpReply = c8RS.getParameters( cmReportPath, new parameterValue[] {}, new runOption[]{} );


                                    if ((gpReply.status != asynchReplyStatusEnum.complete)

                                                && (gpReply.status != asynchReplyStatusEnum.conversationComplete) )


                                                while ( (gpReply.status != asynchReplyStatusEnum.complete)

                                                            && (gpReply.status != asynchReplyStatusEnum.conversationComplete) )


                                                            gpReply = c8RS.wait(gpReply.primaryRequest,new parameterValue[] {}, new option[] {});





                                    if (gpReply.details == null)


                                                return null;



                                    for (int i = 0; i < gpReply.details.Length; i++)


                                                if (gpReply.details[i] is asynchDetailParameters)


                                                            return ((asynchDetailParameters)gpReply.details[i]).parameters;




                                    return null;


Cognos 8 SDK -- get parameter type

 Here is a Cognos SDK example of getting a report parameter’s type.


You would have to generate a C# class object that makes your Cognos SDK method calls.  From your entry method you will reference the getReportParameters() method.



baseParameter[] param = CogSDK.getReportParameters( "/content/package[@name='GO Sales and Retailers']/folder[@name='Documentation Report Samples']/report[@name='Order Method Between List']", reportService );



            foreach( parameter p in param )


                        Console.WriteLine( "Name: {0}, Type: {1}", p.name, p.type );





public baseParameter[] getReportParameters( string reportPath, reportService1 c8RS )


                                    searchPathSingleObject cmReportPath = new searchPathSingleObject();

                                    cmReportPath.Value = reportPath;


                                    asynchReply gpReply = c8RS.getParameters( cmReportPath, new parameterValue[] {}, new runOption[]{} );


                                    if ((gpReply.status != asynchReplyStatusEnum.complete)

                                                && (gpReply.status != asynchReplyStatusEnum.conversationComplete) )


                                                while ( (gpReply.status != asynchReplyStatusEnum.complete)

                                                            && (gpReply.status != asynchReplyStatusEnum.conversationComplete) )


                                                            gpReply = c8RS.wait(gpReply.primaryRequest,new parameterValue[] {}, new option[] {});





                                    if (gpReply.details == null)


                                                return null;



                                    for (int i = 0; i < gpReply.details.Length; i++)


                                                if (gpReply.details[i] is asynchDetailParameters)


                                                            return ((asynchDetailParameters)gpReply.details[i]).parameters;




                                    return null;
