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Cognos Series 7 Access Manager -- generate a report of namespace users

Run the AM_NamespaceReport command line utility to create an XML report that lists all users or user classes in a namespace.

You can use the AM_NamespaceReport command line utility with any version of a namespace. Any user with a basic signon can log on.    However, only users and user classes for which you have show privileges appear in the report.
If the report is the users type with the filter of the all type, the following information is returned: name, first name, last name, description, email, phone number, basic signons, and OS signons. For the namespace version 17.0, external user DN is also returned.

If the report is userclasses type with the filter of the all type, the following information is returned: user class name, names of children user classes, names of member users, and access permissions.
The XML schema for both types of report output is located in the Cognos_installation
/cer4/accman/AM_NamespaceReport_users|AM_NamespaceReport_userclasses.xsd directory.


Parameter Description
-h Specifies the computer name of the directory server.default: localhost
-p Specifies the port number of the directory server.default: 389
-r Specifies the base DN of the directory server.default: o=cognos, c=ca
-s Specifies that SSL is enabled.This parameter is optional.
-C Specifies the location of the cert7.db file.This parameter is required only if SSL is enabled.
-n Specifies the name of the namespace for reporting. default: default namespace
-D Specifies the basic signon to use for namespace authentication.This parameter is mandatory.
-w Specifies the basic signon password.This parameter is mandatory.
-t Specifies the type of report. The report types users and userclasses are supported.default: users
-f Specifies a filter type for a report.For the users report type, the following filter types are supported:  allReturns all user information; this is the default filter.  userclassesReturns only information about the users' user class membership.  brokenlinks Returns only the names of users whose DNs are broken. This filter is used only with the namespace version 17.0.  lockedout Returns only the names of users whose accounts are locked.  disabledReturns only the names of users whose accounts are disabled.For the userclasses report type, the following filter types are supported:  all Returns all user class information; this is the default filter.  usersReturns only the names of the member users.   userclasses Returns only information about the children user classes.
-o Indicates the file to which output is written.This parameter is mandatory.

To report all users in a namespace, type the following:

D:\Cognos\cer4\bin>AM_NamespaceReport -n default -D Administrator -w "" -t users -f all -o all_users.xml

Here is a sample output of the users report type:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<NamespaceReport xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="D:\Cognos\cer4\accman\AM_NamespaceReport.xsd" host="localhost" port="389" baseDN="o=Cognos,c=ca" ns="Default" user="Administrator" type="users" filter="all">

<User name="Sam Carter" first_name="Sam" last_name="Carter" email="sam.carter@cognos.com" phone="(123)456-7890" externalUserDN="uid=scarter,ou=people,o=cognos,c=ca">
  <Description>Employee id: 12345</Description>
 <User name="Ted Morris" first_name="Ted" last_name="Morris" email="ted.morris@cognos.com" phone="(123)456-7899" externalUserDN="uid=tmorris,ou=people,o=cognos,c=ca">

  <Description>Employee id: 56789</Description>
