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IBM Cognos BI Reports on a Mobile Device

IBM® Cognos® Mobile enables you to run IBM Cognos Business Intelligence reports on your mobile device. Each report on the device is identical to the report that you would see on your desktop but formatted specifically for a device. The formatting is handled automatically.

Reports are run and delivered to your device. After you log on to IBM Cognos Mobile from your device, the reports that you run, or that are scheduled to run by your administrator, appear on your device. Each report presents the data that is current at the time that the report is run.

You can access a report in any of the following ways:

·                 From your desktop computer, in IBM Cognos Connection, you can use Run with options to run a report once.

·                 From your desktop computer, in IBM Cognos Connection, you can create a schedule or job to run a report periodically.

·                 From your device, you can browse and navigate to a report and then run it.

·                 From your device, you can search for a report, choose the one you want from the list of search results, and then run that report.

Reports can also be delivered in other ways:

·                 Your administrator can schedule reports to be delivered at specified intervals to your device.

·                 Your administrator can send a bursted report.

·                 Your administrator can run a number of different reports as a job and have them sent to your device.

·                 Defined events can trigger a report to run and then be delivered to your device.

If the report contains prompts, you can choose the specific data that you want.

If you are using a Research in Motion BlackBerry, Symbian, or Microsoft® Windows® Mobile device, you can work offline using the reports that are on your device. However, you must log on for a report to be synchronized to the latest version.

If your organization provides reports based on your current location, you can turn on the GPS capability on your phone and have these customized reports delivered to your device. For more information, see your Mobile administrator.

You can delete a report from your device. If you do this, you delete only the copy on your device, not the actual report.

You can view reports on your device and perform a number of actions on them, including

·                 focusing on one area of a report

·                 marking table cells for further analysis

·                 drilling through

·                 drilling up and drilling down

For more information about using IBM Cognos Connection, see the IBM Cognos Connection User Guide.

Connecting to the Server

The way you connect to the server from your mobile device depends on the device you are using:

·                 If you are using an iPhone, navigate to the server URL, and then bookmark it on your home screen.

·                 If you are using a BlackBerry, Symbian, or Microsoft Windows Mobile device, type the server URL on your device. Your Mobile administrator provides the URL.