You may be tasked with finding all groups that a particular
public baseClass[] getGroups(string strNamespaceId)
string groups = "CAMID(\"" + strNamespaceId + "\")//group";
propEnum[] props = new propEnum[] { propEnum.searchPath, propEnum.defaultName };
baseClass[] groupObjects = new baseClass[]{};
searchPathMultipleObject spMulti = new searchPathMultipleObject();
spMulti.Value = groups;
groupObjects = cmService.query(spMulti,props, new sort[]{}, new queryOptions());
catch (SoapException exSoap)
SoapExceptionHandler objEx = new SoapExceptionHandler(exSoap);
MessageBox.Show(objEx.Details + objEx.Message + objEx.ErrorCode + objEx.Severity);
string[] groupSeachPaths = new string[groupObjects.Length];
if (groupObjects.Length == 0)
MessageBox.Show("there were no Groups found");
return groupObjects;