Here is a detailed example of getting a report’s parameter collection and dynamically generating an ASP.NET control for each of the Report Studio report’s parameters. This code is for discussion purposes only, and our sample ASP.NET web solution will not use this approach.
It is important to note that you must use a standard naming convention for your prompt page controls in Report Studio. This Cognos SDK code also is only looking for Report Studio prompt pages that contain a ListBox, Calendar, or TextBox prompt control.
If you want to discuss more about the Cognos SDK then be sure to visit
private void GetPromptControls(asynchDetail[] _paramDetail)
baseParameter[] _num = new baseParameter[]{};
tableDynamic = new Table();
if (_paramDetail != null)
for (int j=0; j<_paramDetail.Length; j++)
if (_paramDetail[j] is asynchDetailParameters)
_num = ((asynchDetailParameters)_paramDetail[j]).parameters;
for (int x = 0; x < _num.Length; x++)
#region "Add TextBox prompt controls"
if (_num[x].name.Substring(0,3) == "txt")
//tr1 for label
TableRow tr1 = new TableRow(); // Create column 1
TableCell td1 = new TableCell(); // Create a label control dynamically
Label lbl = new Label();
lbl.ID = String.Format("lbl{0}",x);
lbl.Text = _num[x].name.Substring(3).ToString();
lbl.Font.Size = 10;
td1.Controls.Add(lbl); // Create column 2
//tr2 for control
TableRow tr2 = new TableRow(); // Create column 1
TableCell td2 = new TableCell(); // Create a label control dynamically
TextBox txtBox = new TextBox();
//txtBox.ID = String.Format("txtBox{0}", x);
txtBox.ID = _num[x].name.ToString();
td2.Controls.Add(txtBox); // Add cell to the row
// Add control to the table cell
tr2.Cells.Add(td2); // Add row to the table.