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Cognos 8 SDK error messages


An error occured while saving the output for the burst instance <param index="1" type="string"/>

with the recipients (<param index="2" type="string"/>). Here are the details: <param index="3"


The most likely cause is that the burst recipient list contains an invalid recipient. For more information, see the details. If the problem is recipient related, correct the report or update the data in the database to generate valid recipients


Parameter '<param type="string" index="1"/>' cannot cascade on itself.

One of the prompt controls associated with the parameter cascades on itself. Remove the self-referential cascade from that prompt control or change the cascade parameter.


There is a cyclic condition in the cascading prompt setup relating to parameter '<param type="string" index="1"/>'. This cyclic condition is not allowed.

One of the prompt controls associated with the parameter specifies a cascade that results in a cyclical cascade. Remove the cascade from that prompt control or change the cascade parameter.


Bursting is not allowed on charts.

Modify the report so that the burst query is not used as a query for a chart.


Bursting is not allowed on crosstabs.

Modify the report so that the burst query is not used as a query for a crosstab.