Here is the process for creating a multilingual reporting environment:
Use multilingual metadata.Modelers use Framework Manager to add multilingual metadata to the model from any data source type except OLAP. They add multilingual metadata by defining which languages the model supports, translating text strings in the model for things such as object names and descriptions, and defining which languages are exported in each package. If the data source contains multilingual data, modelers can define queries that retrieve data in the default language for the report user.
Create multilingual maps.Administrators and modelers use a Windows utility named Map Manager to import maps and update labels for maps in Report Studio. For map features such as country and city names, administrators and modelers can define alternative names to provide multilingual versions of text that appears on the map.
❑ Create a multilingual report.The report author uses Report Studio to create a report that can be viewed in different languages. For example, the report author can specify that text, such as the title, appears in German when the report is opened by a German user. Report authors can also add translations for text objects, and create other language-dependent objects.
❑ Specify the language in which a report is viewed.You can use Cognos Connection to do the following:
• Define multilingual properties, such as a name, screen tip, and description, for each entry in the portal.